Keep in mind these are “Random Thoughts” interspersed with opinion. Mine. Intent is not to open an email diatribe cause you think you know better or read some CCR Chairborne Chatroom Ranger BS. We are shooters. Each of us shoot a minimum of 620 pistol rounds each per week at Ben Avery, 2666 rounds per month, 31,992 per year, per person, minimum. On paper we actually break 38,000 rounds every year, pistol only as we sneak in a few extra days each month. A quick Google search shows the candy ass CCR crowd screams BS on anyone shooting 30k pistol rounds per year as it is impossible, improbable, yada yada. Whatever. Like I said we’re shooters. Shoot or chat? The numero uno mouth piece on one of the chatrooms has 77,772 posts as I write this. Over 77,000 posts and proud of it. That’s 385,000 minutes of average posts. 6,416 hours of posts. 267 full days of posting 24 hours per day if it were possible. Average out the guy is on the web chatrooms 6 hours a day for years.. how much shooting does this King Klown have under his belt, what type of employment you think he has, how much real world experience in anything do you thing he has? And you listen to him? Luck with that! We show up at Ben Avery with a 3 gallon bucket which carries exactly 72 Glock G17 magazines each loaded with 17 rounds of Winchester 115 grain FMJ ammunition. 1240 rounds. We run thru our tactical drills using six Glock G17 pistols, each identical. Why 6? We scream thru our drills and the pistols get hot. Smoking hot. Add 112 degree temps and they will not cool off, so we run down the line as each gets toasty. Ok so now you either know we shoot or are full of crap whichever your life experiences choose you to believe. In addition we train with other “experts”. Some are, some ain’t. Blackwater, The Site, Gunsite, Trident Concepts.. heck each year Jeff Gonzales comes out and we take the same course with him, typically with the same people. On average one person per course graduates his class while the rest of us are “attendees”. Although LTC Blish (owner of Robar) has strived for three years to become anything other than an attendee he has routinely failed to do so; mostly because someone whom shoots on his left side routinely throws one round in his target at the 25, out of center, which is an instant DQ. Pretty Funny. We take a pic of his target each year after Gonzales marks it with “DQ” and signs it then post it in our team room. OK, garage. Don’t tell Blish as this is the only thing we have to keep his ego in check…